Refund Policy

At AlgoRyze.Pro, we strive to provide the best possible service to our customers. However, we understand that there may be circumstances where you are not satisfied with our services. In such cases, we offer a 30-day refund policy.

If you are not satisfied or do not understand our services, you are eligible for a refund within 30 days of subscribing to any AlgoRyze.Pro subscription plan.

To request a refund, please contact us at We aim to respond to your request within 6 hours. Refunds typically take between 3-5 business days to be processed and appear in your bank account.

For yearly subscription auto-renewals, we offer refunds within the first 72 hours of billing. Beyond the 30-day period and the 72-hour window for yearly subscription auto-renewals, we are not obligated to process refunds, including in cases where you forgot about the auto-renewal of your subscription.

We send reminders before each billing cycle within the first 90 days. It is your responsibility to manage your subscription prior to renewals by logging into your account or emailing

Please note that we do not offer refunds for payments made with cryptocurrency due to potential transaction fees and other complications.

By subscribing to any of our services, you agree to this refund policy.